Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Update Post Transplant Day 13!

Yesterday was Jared's 13th day post transplant and it went really well! Jared's counts have continued to go up tons! They are starting to get close to the low end of normal, hopefully in the next couple days they will continue to get better! 

Jared made huge progress yesterday and was able to have 5 bites of chocolate pudding as well as drink some 7up! This was so exciting and a huge step to be able to get better enough to leave the hospital. It is common for people to not think food sounds or tastes good for a long time after transplant, so it is challenging for Jared to even want to try to eat, but he is doing good and trying. Jared also was able to do 7 laps of walking which is the most walking he has done in weeks! 

The doctors are very pleased with Jared's progress and hope to slowly take him off the IV nutrition and pain medicine over the next few days. Jared's throat is still very painful, but is still continuing to get better every day! Not a lot has changed, but Jared's personality is continuing to come back along with his sense of humor so that is fun and exciting! Continue to pray that he can keep eating and continue to feel better! 


  1. Ahhh! This is wonderful, wonderful progress! I am so glad that he was able to eat/drink a little! Hallelujah!

  2. Yea! Praise God for the wonderful news!

  3. Whoot whoot!!! So glad to hear!

  4. So exciting to hear!


  5. You are both so brave it is really inspiring and humbling too. Love you lots,
    Aunt Em & Uncle Un
