Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 25 Post Transplant Update!

The last several days have been a little bit bumpy and not as we had hoped and planned for :(! On Tuesday night of this last week Jared's stomach started hurting a lot and he was not able to eat at all!! When he woke up Wednesday morning it was not better, and he was having trouble moving and walking around due to his extreme stomach pain. Jared had a blood draw appointment that morning and he was still really really struggling so I drug him upstairs and they took him back to the transplant floors triage area. His pain did not seem to surprise the Doctors because the chemotherapy Jared had before his transplant is terrible and can affect your tummy for a long time. They did some X-Rays, and gave him heavy pain medications and sent us on our way. On Thursday he was still in pain, but not nearly as much. Yesterday he was feeling even better, still some pain and his stomach became very very bloated. Last night Jared’s team nurse called us and said that his blood work came back with his liver function very high and inflamed and just not doing well. We rushed to UW to have an ultrasound and it confirmed that his Liver is very inflamed and angry, so much that it is at a dangerous level to do serious damage to his liver. 

Jared's Ultrasound 
SOOO they told us that he needed to be re admitted into UW hospital in the morning. So this morning we arrived to UW at 9 am and Jared was readmitted and we are now living again in the hospital just right down the hall from our old room. The Doctors came in and explained that what is happening to Jared is a side effect that can happen after you have a transplant with such terrible Chemo before. This is not a common side effect but they have seen it! They are starting lots of different medications that will hopefully start to help the liver go back to normal fast! 

When Jared found out that his liver was sick and that he had to come back into the hospital, he was extremely disappointed and very sad. Jared was feeling great when he got out of the hospital and to not feel better ever single day is very discouraging. The doctors are not 100% sure what medicines are going to be successful, so pray that the one's they try are going to work fast and great! 
Jared's Tummy is SO Swollen! 
This was a very unexpected turn of events, but hopefully it will be short and go smoothly! Jared is so strong and now his little liver just needs to bed on the healthy bandwagon!!! Keep praying for Jared as he trying to recover and mentally recover from this small delay! 


  1. Jared-- you are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep fighting!

  2. Jared, your smile and attitude continue to amaze me! Hang in there and keep trusting! We are all praying for you!

  3. Praying for you both! Love love love!

  4. I never liked liver as a kid, and now knowing this, I don't like it even more. Hang in there guys! Love you. Cathy

  5. You two are in our daily thoughts, and our hearts go out to you for having to be back in the hospital. Hopefully for a very short time!
    Love you lots,
    Ant Em & Uncle Oon
